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Social housing has always been at the heart of United House, whether as a new build contractor or a refurbisher.
Over the last few years the provision of social housing has undergone fundamental change. The public sector now frequently works in partnership with the private sector, in a complex industry driven by multi-source funding, sophisticated finance models, strategic relationships, joint ventures, Government initiatives, the requirements and aspirations of residents and a construction ethos driven as much by sustainability as by technical innovation. Partnerships do not necessarily have to be complex; we are just as happy to work with more traditional forms of procurement, delivering solid value for money to our clients.
Social housing is no longer as simple as building and maintaining houses and flats. In community regeneration schemes there is a need for infrastructure as well as residential units, which might include highly tailored housing for the elderly and vulnerable, as well as accommodation for key workers, students and other groups with specific needs. In addition, residents today have much higher aspirations about their homes and this is particularly true on mixed-tenure schemes where tenants expect the same standards as homeowners.
Attention to detail and specification has increased dramatically, and the design and interior finish of our social housing new builds rank among the highest in the market place.